Kelly Weiderhold Kelly Weiderhold


We’ve all heard it a million times, “like a moth to the flame”. We are all moths, the light we’re drawn to just comes from different places. Fire is used so often as a metaphor for love and passion…

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Big Wheels
Kelly Weiderhold Kelly Weiderhold

Big Wheels

For me, the circle is eternity and unity, timeless, unbreakable and all encompassing. The wheel of time, wheels in any dimension. We really need to sit back and trust the process and the trials of life that sometimes stop those big wheels from turning , or so it seems…

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Kelly Weiderhold Kelly Weiderhold


My beliefs give me strength and conviction and there are times I feel like they are alive and walking with me when I have to do hard things. Beliefs are so personal, no matter if we are talking about daily routines, spirituality or believing in Santa Claus.

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I Know You Are But What Am I?
Kelly Weiderhold Kelly Weiderhold

I Know You Are But What Am I?

The irony of all of this is not lost on me. I am being real and honest about how this made me feel, the damage it did to me and my life and my opinions about it. So yes, I am writing about judgement and judging my judges while I do it, I see that. It feels amazing and it is definitely as cathartic as it is ironic.

“I’m not bad, I’m just drawn that way.” - Jessica Rabbit

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The Eye Of The Tiger
Kelly Weiderhold Kelly Weiderhold

The Eye Of The Tiger

We loved him very much, with intense devotion. I would often lay nose to nose with him on the floor or cradle his head in my lap most of the night. Everyone else in the house would be asleep…..

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The Proverbial Cherry
Inspire Kelly Weiderhold Inspire Kelly Weiderhold

The Proverbial Cherry

The Cherry, one of nature’s beautiful gifts, unspoiled, the finishing touch, doing something for the first time. Ancient lore tells us……

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